
Specific insight I want to share

Specific knowledge is a fast track to a loyal audience. Show what you know!
Step 1: click in the box below to edit this Microbrave template

For [target audience], here’s how to [insight overview]:
- Stat 1
- Stat 2
- Stat 3
- Stat 4

Key takeaway: [key takeaway description]

Step 2: copy your edited version
Go to Twitter & paste into a new tweet
Use these tips for extra pointers

Add an emoji to illustrate each completed item — emojis can lead to 25.4% higher engagement!

Share insights often on your expert “beat” (e.g., industries, topics you want to be known as an expert in) — so other experts know to go to you as a trusted resource.

Examples in the wild

Check out these example tweets for inspiration